


Unlimited use of ChatGPT 4

Limitations of ChatGPT 4#

Due to high costs, even Plus users of ChatGPT 4 will be subject to a limit of 3 hours and 25 messages. This is completely insufficient for frequent users.
Today, I will introduce how to bypass this limitation and achieve unlimited usage!


The principle is actually very simple, which is to switch models.
As we all know, not long ago, openAI officially launched ChatGPT for iOS, and many people may have noticed that the response speed in the app is much faster compared to the web version, which can be clearly felt. This is actually due to a model change.
The app uses two mobile models
And currently, the usage of GPT4 mobile models is unlimited. So all we need to do is switch to that model.


Script address: https://github.com/BlueSkyXN/GPT-Models-Plus

Copy the script in origin.js to Tampermonkey, and then you can select the mobile model on the web.
In actual testing, both the speed and usage are unlimited, very comfortable.


Differences in Models#

Based on my actual testing, there is very little difference in the capabilities of the models, but the GPT4 mobile model has made significant progress in generation speed compared to GPT4.
Given the same title, generating a 500-word article:
Write a descriptive article about the scenery of summer. Word count: 500 words
GPT4 mobile: Generation time 49 seconds, Chinese characters 445, punctuation marks 52. Total characters 1002. Character generation speed 20.5/S

Summer, a hot and vibrant color envelops the earth, like a moving painting, telling the vitality and enthusiasm of life. At this time, nature is full of lushness and vitality, and people are also enjoying the beauty of life in this hopeful and vibrant season.

Walking on the country road, the field is full of vitality. The lush green rice fields ripple under the breeze, like waves of the sea. The wheat in the field hangs low, appearing heavy, which is a sign of a good harvest. Wildflowers along the way bloom brightly in the sunlight, purple, red, and yellow, like a brilliant rainbow falling on the earth.

The park in summer is particularly lively. Children chase and play on the green grass, their laughter is like clear bells, floating in the air. Water droplets in the fountain shimmer in the sunlight, like jumping silver beads. Not far away, older people enjoy the shade of trees, either quietly reading or enthusiastically chatting, enjoying a leisurely afternoon.

However, the charm of summer goes beyond that. When night falls, a bright moon hangs in the sky, and fireflies flicker in the fields, like little stars falling on the earth. At this time, by the river, the chorus of frogs and the continuous chirping of insects form a beautiful nocturne, allowing people to feel the harmony and tranquility of nature.

Summer is a carnival of nature, a feast of life. With its warm colors, lush scenery, and vibrant life, it shows people the beauty and hope of life. Let us indulge in this season full of vitality and enjoy life, grateful to nature.

GPT4: Generation time 70 seconds, Chinese characters 493, punctuation marks 54, total characters 1102. Character generation speed 15.7/S

Summer, a season full of vitality and energy. Under the brilliant sunshine of the scorching summer, the earth is covered with green, everything appears vibrant and full of vitality.

In the morning of summer, the first thing that catches the eye is the golden sun. The scorching sun pours down, making everything in the world regain its brilliance after a brief pause. A gentle breeze blows, taking away the silence of the night and bringing fresh air and the fragrance of flowers. Birds sing joyfully on the branches, injecting vitality into the new day. On the lake in the park, lotus flowers dance under the sunlight, and the crystal dewdrops are embedded in the emerald leaves. The beautiful petals sway gently in the breeze, pure as jade.

At noon, the sun becomes even hotter, and people seek shade to cool down or enjoy the tranquility of the afternoon at home. At this time, the world seems to be still, waiting for the arrival of the next beautiful moment. Golden wheat fields shine under the sunlight, representing the colors and atmosphere of summer.

In the evening, the sun gradually sets, and the air becomes cooler. It is at this time that people start to become active. Some people take a walk by the river, some play ball in the park, and some enjoy the beautiful evening on the balcony at home. The fiery sunset burns like a fire, dyeing the entire sky golden. The summer night is even more beautiful, with stars twinkling in the sky and moonlight sprinkled on the ground, resembling a silver ocean. The chirping of cicadas and the croaking of frogs become a symphony of summer nights.

Summer, whether it's the morning birdsong and lotus flowers, the golden wheat fields at noon, or the evening sunset and the starry sky at night, is so beautiful and full of vitality. This is summer, a season full of life and energy.

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